Why Do People Use Dry Block Calibrators?

 Calibrators are one of the most commonly used pieces of equipment in a laboratory. They're used to ensure that all the other instruments are measuring the same things, and they're also used to calibrate samples. Dry-Block Calibrator have several advantages over wet-block calibrators that make them popular among scientists who need to regularly calibrate samples or instruments.

All-in-one solution

The dry block calibrator is an all-in-one solution, meaning that it contains all of the components required for accurate calibration. This includes a power supply, software, interface cables and connectors, probes, and sensors.

Along with providing a single point of entry for all calibration requirements, the dry block calibrator also eliminates the need for additional equipment or systems to be added to existing setups.


Dry-block calibrators are easy to transport, which is a boon for scientists who need to calibrate their equipment in the field. They can also be used for a variety of applications, such as research and quality control.

Dry-block calibrators are particularly useful for those who need to travel a lot or work with portable equipment. For example, if you're conducting field experiments or working on an archaeological dig out in the desert where there are no electrical outlets nearby, it can be difficult to power up your lab equipment without having access to an AC adapter or generator.  

With a dry-block calibrator, however, all you have to do is set it down on any flat surface and start testing right away!

Temperature Stability

Dry-block calibrators can have a temperature stability of better than 1 °C, while liquid-filled calibrators (such as glass thermometers) can often only achieve 0.5 °C. This means that you may need to recalibrate your dry-block calibrator less frequently than a liquid-filled one if you keep it in an environment that doesn't fluctuate too much in temperature.

Temperature Uniformity

Dry-Block Calibrators are made with a uniform temperature distribution throughout the block. This ensures that your measurements will be accurate, regardless of where you make them on the block. It also makes it easier to store your calibrator because you can store it any way without worrying about the temperature effects of gravity on your calibrator's readings.

Dry-Block Calibrator

Ease of Use

  • It's easy to use. Because you don't need to calibrate the individual blocks, it's much simpler than using a thermocouple.
  • It doesn't require a heater or any other additional equipment. With most types of block calibrators, these things are necessary in order to ensure that they're working correctly and at the right temperatures. However, this is simply not an issue with dry block calibrators; because they’re already at room temperature when they arrive at your lab or office (and will remain there until you want them to be otherwise), there isn’t any question as to whether or not it’s working properly.* It can be used in the field easily by anyone


As you can see, there are many benefits to using Dry-Block Calibrator. They're an all-in-one solution for temperature measurement and control, they're portable enough to take anywhere with you and they offer a uniform temperature environment that helps ensure your equipment is working properly.


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